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Corona virus Update

Now that restrictions have been eased we are able to have partial opening of our churches. The conditions in place for attendance at masses mean that it is not possible to have mass in our churches for the entire parish at one time. Social distancing rules have to apply and there are also many other changes to be considered. Our Sunday Masses are now being held with the Vigil Mass in St. John´s and the 11.15 Sunday Mass in St Mary Magdalene´s Only 28 places are avalable in St Mary Magdalene´s and these have to be booked in advance. Hand sanatising on entering and leaving the church is compulsory. There is no singing and face coverings are manadory at all times in the church. Live streamed Masses are still being recorded in the Prayer Room in the Parish House and most of these are offered on the weekdays. Full details of all the arrangemens can be found in our weekly Newsletter which is available on this website. Although life is stil far from normal these changes are a very welcome step in the right direction.


More details of future plans for our parishes in the days and months to come will be on the weeky newsletter which can be read on the Newsletter Page  Click Here

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