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Welcome to St Mary Magdalene's Parish Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Bingham Avenue, Edinburgh, EH15 3HY, Scotland Parish Priest: Father Jock Dalrymple Tel: 0131 669 5447 stjohnsandstmarymagdalenes@gmail.com If you´re visiting, are new to the area, or just live here, you are most welcome in our sister parishes St Mary Magdalenes and St. John The Evengelist. We are delighted you have joined us. If you are new to the parish please make yourself known to Fr. Jock. |
As we head towards Springtime we would like to thank the people who took the time to visit our website. |
In loving memory of Jean Douglas, who, upon retiring from teaching, decided to give more back to the church she loved, St. Mary Magdalene´s. She learned to write code and built and maintained this website for around 25 to 30 years, constantly updating and modifying the content to include more people and bring joy to the lives of those in other countries as well as those who could not attend the church in person. This was especially vital during the COVID-19 pandemic when travel was restricted and people depended on the site for news from the church. With around 70,000 to 90,000 hits per year, she reached and brought joy to many people. |
A Message from Jean − CLICK HERE |
St Mary Magdalene St Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of women and was one of the disciples of Jesus. When Jesus was crucified, she followed the soldiers to see where they burries the body of Jesus. On Easter morning, Mary Magdalene, with two other women, went to the tomb where they planned to anoint the body of Jesus, but there they found that the tomb was empty and an angel there told the women that Jesus had risen and was on his way to heaven. The women were the first people to see the risen Lord.
SCIAF Ukraine Appeal − Click Here |
Sunday Masses in our Churches For Mass Times look at the most recent newsletter Click Here |
Our sister Parish - St. John The Evengelist - www.stjohnsportobello.co.uk |
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Original design by Jean Douglas |